all postcodes in NR11 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR11 7AA 75 4 52.861669 1.243892
NR11 7AB 10 0 52.821584 1.292284
NR11 7AD 23 0 52.839094 1.254864
NR11 7AE 1 0 52.85736 1.282249
NR11 7AF 12 1 52.832898 1.185603
NR11 7AG 23 0 52.854637 1.176127
NR11 7AH 8 0 52.829224 1.138534
NR11 7AJ 10 0 52.846658 1.311949
NR11 7AL 5 0 52.853577 1.227347
NR11 7AN 3 0 52.831285 1.20807
NR11 7AP 17 0 52.823963 1.195116
NR11 7AQ 28 2 52.868131 1.192049
NR11 7AR 4 1 52.82985 1.188881
NR11 7AS 1 0 52.828506 1.186054
NR11 7AT 1 0 52.830256 1.182841
NR11 7AU 7 0 52.831606 1.183816
NR11 7AW 17 0 52.840215 1.253315
NR11 7AX 13 1 52.832204 1.183277
NR11 7AY 9 0 52.833776 1.183708
NR11 7BA 4 0 52.833811 1.186071